A Possible "Healing Crisis" - Q&A by Barry Carter (www.subtleenergies.com)

Question: Has anyone ever noticed any ill effects after ingesting ORMUS materials?

Answer: Occasionally people have reported unpleasant effects associated with the use of some of the ORMUS products listed on the SubtleEnergies web site. Most of these effects might be explained as follows:

First, the ORMUS elements appear to stimulate the body's elimination of toxins. This occurs first at the cellular level. As these toxins re-enter the blood stream they can trigger the same symptoms that they triggered when the toxins were originally stored in the cells. These symptoms generally do not persist as long as they did originally but they may be a bit more intense for a short period of time. They are also reported to happen in reverse order from the present to the past. This process is called a "healing crisis".

The liver and kidneys have the role of cleansing toxins from the blood and eliminating them from the body. If these organs are not functioning well there can be a buildup of toxins in these organs which might harm them. For this reason it is generally best to do a series of liver cleanses and drink lots of water in conjunction with the initial stages of ORMUS ingestion. From my experience, few people have serious problems with this cleansing stage.

For some people the increased elimination load might result in constipation. The extra magnesium in ocean water ORMUS precipitate can mitigate this as it is the same as the active ingredient of milk of magnesia a notable laxative. An extra benefit is that most people are magnesium deficient and this is a good magnesium source.

Concurrent with the elimination process some people report tiredness or sleepiness. The Essene reported that during this stage some folks will get quite sleepy and that when they wake up they will "eat everything but the curtain rods and then they will go right back to sleep again." We think that this happens because the body is using up the energy stored in ATP to fuel the healing process. There are some indications that this tiredness can be prevented or mitigated by taking extra B vitamins, especially B-12 and the amino acid creatine.

Another issue that has been suggested by several ORMUS researchers and producers is that it is easier to benefit from ORMUS if the body is in a more alkaline state. There is some evidence that ORMUS products, particularly those with a magnesium or calcium base, will tend to alkalize the body. Other ORMUS sources appear to work better when the body is slightly alkaline. Most people on the conventional American diet tend to be acidic. The following foods and situations tend to move one toward the alkaline end of the spectrum:

All vegetables especially green leafy vegetables
Most all fruits including citrus fruits
Millet, Quinoa
Drink several glasses of spring water daily
Ripe olives
Raw almonds
Lima beans, Soy beans
Fresh green peas & green beans
Goat milk (Contains lactose)
Low protein/low fat diet
Whey (contains milk sugar, lactose)
Ghee (clarified butter, a cholesterol-free saturated fat)
Moderate exercise
Relaxation exercises, i.e. deep breathing, yoga, etc.

The following foods and situations tend to move one more toward the less desirable acid end of the spectrum:

Excessive consumption of starches
All seafood. fish fowl ! & all flesh foods
Yogurt, butter, eggs. cow's milk, cheese
Wheat, oats. barley, rice, corn, bread, spelt
Kamut, amaranth, teff, buckwheat
All beans except lima and soy beans
High fat meals (more than 20% of calories from fat)
High protein diet (over 25 grams per day)
All pastas, macaroni, and noodles.
Crackers, chips
Cooked tomatoes, pasta & sauce
Refined Sugar, corn syrup. honey, soda pop
Cookies, cakes, pies, sweets, etc.
Blueberries, cranberries, currants, plums, prunes
Allergic reactions
All nuts & seeds (except almonds)
Tobacco, Drugs
Margarine, lard, hydrogenated oils, corn & olive oil
All fried foods (fried in ghee. butter or oils)
Coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate
Low water intake
Over exercise, lack of sleep
Anxiety, anger, worry, stress

Experts in this arena suggest that one should consume about 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods.

Finally, David Hudson and others have suggested that certain substances can "pin" the ORMUS elements to their metallic state under some circumstances. These conditions apparently can happen in the body. According to Hudson the substances in question are sulfites (SO3), carbon and carbon monoxide and nitric oxide. Since most of the ORMUS elements are toxic in their metallic form it is wise to avoid foods and situations which increase these substances in the body. There are some indications that the tendency for the ORMUS elements to drop to metal is minimized by having an adequate B-12 intake.